fanavarannaftabzar company

Fast Installation Gas Station

Features of the Fast Installation Gas Station (Prefabricated)

The Fast-installation gas station is manufactured in two separate parts (tank and platform) at the factory of Fanavaran Naftabzar Knowledge-Based Engineering Company, and it is installed at the customer’s desired location within a maximum of one week after the customer’s order is placed. The Fast-installation Gas station has dimensions of 12 meters in length, 6.3 meters in width, and 5.3 meters in height, which can be changed upon the customer’s request. It can be implemented in small land areas (from 200 meters and above).

Fast Installation Gas Station

Fast Installation Gas Station

The Fast installation gas station is a fuel delivery station that has all the facilities of a regular gas station in a smaller size without compromising quality and services. The Fast installation gas station was invented and produced for the first time in Iran by Fanavaran Naftabzar Knowledge-Based Engineering Company.

Equipment of the Fast Installation Station (Prefabricated):

  • Pre-fabricated platform with strong scaffolding, including gangways and fuel connections
  • Fuel Dispenser
  • Explosion-proof electrical control panel (EX) with gland
  • Float pump
  • Ÿ Explosion-proof lighting equipment for the platform
  • Ÿ Pipes and cables
  • Ÿ Tank
  • Pipeline system according to standard

Suitable locations for quick installation stations (pre-fabricated):

  • Ÿ Large refineries
  • Ÿ Oil and gas industries
  • Ÿ Military and law enforcement barracks
  • Ÿ Usable in EPC company sites
  • Ÿ Large industrial factories
  • Ÿ Dam building and construction workshops
  • Ÿ Loading and sailing docks
  • Ÿ Highway parking
  • Ÿ Border points and remote areas
  • Ÿ Adjacent to large parking lots
  • Use in emergency conditions (in areas affected by unforeseen accidents and natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires), etc


Ask us for the best and highest quality

Fast Installation Gas Station

Fanavaran Naft Abzar Engineering Co. is West Asia’s largest manufacturer of fuel distribution stations, fueling vehicles, prefabricated gas stations, small urban stations, mobile container fuel stations, and storage tanks.